Gino Caspari, JoΓ£o dos Santos Manuel, Ana Gago-Silva, Michael Jendryke. 2024. "Employing discrete global grid systems for reproducible data obfuscation." Nature Scientific Data 11, 509 (2024). DOI π.
Michael Jendryke and Stephen C. McClure. 2021. "Spatial Prediction of Sparse Events Using a Discrete Global Grid System; a Case Study of Hate Crimes in the USA." International Journal of Digital Earth 0 (0): 1β17. DOI π.
Li, Xi, Xiya Li, Deren Li, Xiaojun He, and Michael Jendryke. 2019. "A Preliminary Investigation of Luojia-1 Night-Time Light Imagery." Remote Sensing Letters 10 (6): 526β35. DOI π.
Caspari, Gino, Simon Donato, and Michael Jendryke. 2019. "Remote Sensing and Citizen Science for Assessing Land Use Change in the Musandam (Oman)." Journal of Arid Environments. DOI π.
Michael Jendryke and Stephen C. McClure. 2019. "Mapping crime β Hate crimes and hate groups in the USA: A spatial analysis with gridded data" Applied Geography 111 (3). DOI π.
Liu, Shanshan, Xi Li, Noam Levin, and Michael Jendryke. 2019. "Tracing Cultural Festival Patterns Using Time-Series of VIIRS Monthly Products." Remote Sensing Letters 10 (12): 1172β81. DOI π.
Balz, Timo, Prosper Washaya, and Michael Jendryke. 2019. "Urban Change Monitoring Using Globally Available Sentinel-1 Imagery." In BGDDS 2018 - 2018 International Workshop on Big Geospatial Data and Data Science. DOI π.
Zhu, Ruoxin, Diao Lin, Michael Jendryke, Chenyu Zuo, Linfang Ding, and Liqiu Meng. 2018. "Geo-Tagged Social Media Data-Based Analytical Approach for Perceiving Impacts of Social Events." ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8 (1): 15. DOI π.
Li, Xi, Shanshan Liu, Michael Jendryke, Deren Li, and Chuanqing Wu. 2018. "Night-Time Light Dynamics during the Iraqi Civil War." Remote Sensing 10 (6). DOI π.
Caspari, Gino, and Michael Jendryke. 2017. "Archsphere β A Cluster Algorithm for Archaeological Applications." Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14 (May): 181β88. DOI π.
Michael Jendryke, Timo Balz, and Mingsheng Liao. 2017. "Big Location-Based Social Media Messages from Chinaβs Sina Weibo Network: Collection, Storage, Visualization, and Potential Ways of Analysis." Transactions in GIS 21 (4): 825β34. DOI π.
Michael Jendryke, Stephen C. McClure, Timo Balz, and Mingsheng Liao. 2017. "Monitoring the Built-up Environment of Shanghai on the Street-Block Level Using SAR and Volunteered Geographic Information." International Journal of Digital Earth 10 (7): 675β86. DOI π.
Michael Jendryke, Timo Balz, Stephen C. McClure, and Mingsheng Liao. 2017. "Putting People in the Picture: Combining Big Location-Based Social Media Data and Remote Sensing Imagery for Enhanced Contextual Urban Information in Shanghai." Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 62: 99β112. DOI π.
Michael Jendryke, Stephen C Mcclure, Timo Balz, and Mingsheng Liao. 2016. "Monitoring the Built-up Environment of Shanghai on the Street-Block Level Using SAR and Volunteered Geographic Information." International Journal of Digital Earth 0 (0): 1β12. DOI π.
Wei, Lianhuan, Mingsheng Liao, Timo Balz, Kang Liu, and Michael Jendryke. 2013. "High-Resolution Tomosar & PS-LnSAR Analysis in Urban Areas." In European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP. Vol. 704 SP.
Michael Jendryke, Timo Balz, Houjun Jiang, Mingsheng Liao, and Uwe Stilla. 2013. "Using Open-Source Components to Process Interferometric TerraSAR-X Spotlight Data." International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2013. DOI π.
Balz, Timo, Lianhuan Wei, Michael Jendryke, Daniele Perissin, and Mingsheng Liao. 2012. "Tomosar and PS-InSAR Analysis of High-Rise Buildings in Berlin." In Proc. IGARSS 2012, 447-50. IEEE. DOI π.
Michael Jendryke, Timo Balz, Mingsheng Liao, and Uwe Stilla. 2003. "Measuring Shanghai's Urban Growth since 2003 Using ENVISAT ASAR." In International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment ISRSE35, 1-7.